Scientists discover new type of training that makes dogs better behaved is how YOU can do it at home

Dog training just got a lot more interesting, and you might find yourself looking forward to it as much as your pup! A recent study from Aberystwyth University in the UK suggests that ‘scent training’ is an effective way to curb bad behavior and improve impulse control in dogs. The study, published in, introduces a fresh perspective on dog training and offers practical tips for implementing this innovative method at home.  For more in-depth details about the study and practical tips on how to introduce scent training at home, you can read the full article here.

Here are the key findings from the article:

  1. Enhanced Cognitive Skills: Scent training helps dogs develop better cognitive skills and task efficiency.
  2. Improved Behavior: Dogs that underwent scent training exhibited better behavior.
  3. Phased Training: The training was conducted in phases to gradually increase difficulty, helping dogs adapt and improve progressively.
  4. Mental Stimulation: Scent training provides significant mental stimulation and an engaging activity for dogs.
  5. Behavioral Benefits: Training dogs to focus on scents curbs unwanted behaviors, builds resilience, and helps control impulses.
  6. Improved Problem-Solving: Dogs trained to use their sense of smell display better problem-solving abilities and greater confidence.
  7. Additional Training Methods: Other methods such as puzzle toys and agility training also provide mental and physical stimulation.
  8. Customization: Tailoring training methods to a dog's preferences and capabilities fosters a stronger bond and nurtures a well-rounded pet.

If you're eager to give scent training a try, pick up a game of Hide&Scent! The game is designed to provide your dog with important mental stimulation and foster a closer connection between you and your pet.

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